
I'm Alentina, a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge, researching the human side of artificial intelligence. 

I read, write, and think a lot about AI, its impact on how we work, learn, create, and how it’s going to change the future of work. We hear a lot about AI taking over jobs and making humans obsolete. And while most of it is hype - there's still a lot we don't know about AI's role in our personal and professional lives. These grand philosophical questions about what it means to be human in the age of AI and deep psychological implications of working with machine learning algorithms fascinate me! And while we haven't quite figured it out yet, the aim of my research is to understand how we can use AI to better our lives, to augment our abilities, and enable us to become a better version of ourselves.

Combining my academic training in organizational behavior with my interest in advanced technologies, my doctoral work examines long-standing research questions about employee behavior, investigates the impact of AI on how employees collaborate, create, learn, and perform. I use qualitative and quantitative methods to bring a well-rounded approach to our understanding of the psychological and behavioral implications of collaborating with AI in the workplace.


My research has received positive feedback for its originality and timely contribution to the management field. Most recently, my qualitative paper titled Employee-AI Augmented Collaboration: A Qualitative Study of Fashion Designers and Stylists won the best dissertation-based paper award by the organizational behavior division at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2022 for offering the most significant contribution to the field of OB.

Research Award

In addition to presenting my research at conferences and research seminars, I also love sharing my work with a wider audience. So far, I have written a book chapter, titled A Human-Centered Approach to Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace, engaged with the public through an interview with the BBC, presented my research at the Cambridge Science Festival, and given several talks at the University of Cambridge and at AI companies in Cambridge, London, and Los Angeles.

Public Engagement

My experiences as a lecturer have given me a myriad of opportunities to teach undergraduates, graduates, and industry professionals. These experiences have allowed me to effectively teach theoretical constructs as well as demonstrate the practical value of organizational behavior theories. My dedication to my students and to the art of teaching was recognized by Cambridge Judge Business School where I won the Exceptional Teaching Award for four consecutive years since 2019.


PhD Life in Cambridge

Beyond Academia

Beyond Academia

Beyond academia, I’m captivated by my two-year old niece Delfina…

…create floral art installations with my mom and sister (www.florallabla.com)

…and explore beautiful cities that make me feel alive.